Restored blue lamp shines out once more
Defence Chief Operating Officer Mike Baker unveils iconic police symbol at Regent’s Park Barracks
THE iconic blue lamps have been a symbol of the British Police Service since they first appeared outside London Police Stations in 1861.
The late actor Jack Warner, first appeared as the fictional Police Constable George Dixon in the 1950 film, The Blue Lamp and continued to deliver his weekly police tales from beneath such a lamp in the popular TV series Dixon of Dock Green well into the mid-1970s.
On Thursday 14 October, Defence Chief Operating Officer Mike Baker,
accompanied by Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) Chief Constable Andy Adams, attended the MDP’s Regent’s Park Barracks (RPB) Police Station, to unveil the refurbished MDP lamp and sign that were salvaged from MDP Woolwich on that station’s closure in 2013.
These two historic items have been carefully and lovingly restored by two retired MDP officers, so they may again provide a clear beacon to the force’s work in this its 50th anniversary year.
Mr Baker said:
“It gives me great pleasure to be able to pay tribute to the Ministry of Defence Police at this ceremony. This beautifully restored lamp is an icon of policing in the UK and represents safety, trust and professionalism which are key attributes of the MDP.”
Mr Adams said:
“This lamp symbolises the finest traditions of British Policing over many years and it is very fitting that the MDP should provide its unique brand of specialist policing, from beneath its glow.”
The blue lamp is of particular significance as it was manufactured by the old and long-established company of D W Windsor of Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire and is thought to be about the same age as the Force. Key Account Director at D W Windsor, Mr Paul Murphy, was amongst the distinguished guests at the unveiling ceremony.
After welcoming those guests, MDP Senior Police Officer at the Barracks, Inspector Mileham, invited Mike Baker to unveil the lamp, followed by the Chief Constable unveiling the refurbished sign.
Later, at the Officers’ Mess, Mr Adams cut a special 50th anniversary cake, iced with the Force’s 50th anniversary logo, which had been made by Debbie, wife of PC Crowhurst, who was responsible for ‘rescuing’ the lamp and sign from Woolwich.
The Chief Constable also presented MDP 50th anniversary “Regent’s Park Barracks” shields to Mr Baker, retired T/PS Gallant (who refurbished the lamp), retired PC Ketley (who refurbished the sign) and PC Crowhurst.
Thanks, was also given to Major Pasalk, RPB’s Head of Establishment, and OC 20 SQN RLC, for allowing MDP to put the restored items up and Major Oxley, the RPB QM, who arranged the contractor to re-erect them.